Our Vision
We believe in celebrating big festivals and everyday in between. EverydayUtsavs® strives to channel this sentiment into age-appropriate activity boxes that inspire and empower families to have meaningfully modern celebrations, and pass on traditions to future generations. Each EverydayUtsavs® Festival Box contains most of the materials and ingredients necessary to complete four types of activities: Cook, Connect, Create, & Converse.
The “cook” activity is a recipe and most of the necessary ingredients. No nuts are included for allergy purposes, and optional instructions are included if you’d like to add other ingredients or make other variations (vegan, gluten free, etc).
The “connect” activity allows the recipient to connect with his/her friends and family whether they live in the same house or somewhere else around the world. We also include necessary postage so you just have to drop it in the mailbox!
The “create” activity is a craft/art project with most of the necessary supplies. Because of the age ranges and differing skill level, some materials may be used in a variety of ways depending on what is most practical/fun for the recipient.
The “converse” activity allows the whole family to share stories and different festival traditions. Each family has slightly different practices, so this is the perfect opportunity for little ones to learn about yours & start new ones together!